Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Raceday in the Life: Dover Recap

Sunday marked the Dale Guys 5th race of 2013 and their 8th overall, and this one started out like all the others... with a Walmart shopping list. Paint. Paint brush. Diet Dew. Combos. Beer. Dip. All necessities to surviving as a Dale Guy on raceday.

This Sunday had a more speical feeling though, and perhaps this has something to do with it.
You see, on Wednesday Steve Letarte had already made the coming weekend a special one.
Brand fuckin' ambassadors. Nobody but me might care about Letarte koozies, but let me tell you they get my blood pumping. My Letarte koozie is so dirty it practically brown. That thing houses double digit budweisers for me week after week.

Anyway, after a quick Gatorade 125 down to Dover, it's 7AM, beer is in hand, and the possibilities are endless. Where can we pick up these koozies? Who will we meet? What does Dale wear to bed? Did Mike Hoag bring a girl back last night? ENDLESS.

We wait, wait, and wait some more, running into Mike Joy and apparently whoever the hell tweets from the Sunoco Racig account.
We see some people walking around with track walk stickers, so of course we need them. We trade a picture with a bunch of 45 year old women (touching allowed) for their stickers and were headed in. The 88 team quickly took notice.

Finally, the brand ambassadors have the merch. Only one thing, where the fuck is Stevie. He promised he wouldn't just hand off the koozies and never show his face. Doesn't he know hangin' out with Hoag might be awesome, but it just ain't the same?? Yea, he did. Emerging from the pit box is this guy, all 6'3" of him.
That's us and Stevie fuckin' Letarte. DALE YEAH!! And he had a message for us, I shit you not, he looks at me and says...
Everyone's been talkin' about you guys on the trailer - Steve fuckin' Letarte
You know who hangs out in the trailer?! That'd be Dale Junebug. I now go to sleep at night knowing he talked about me with the guys. Score.

From there, took a couple hundred more pictures with people (we love them all), harassed Kyle Busch, and headed in for driver intros. As Dale stood across from me pre-anthem, for once I found myself not looking at him. Next to him was Amy. WOOOOWWW. Shortly thereafter, I am not the only one staring... at least she seemed amused. She told Dale and the rest of the crew to get a look at the idiots with no clothes on in the frontstretch.

Of course, Dale gave us his now patented "shaka brah" as what I'm assuming is a sign of respect.
Good to know her sense of style mirrors ours.

We soon took our seats, sat back, and enjoyed the show. I don't really want to get into the race because I've cried myself to sleep the last two nights. Next time, I guess, next time.

Instead of those negative thoughts, I'll leave JR nation with this picture from our seats. EPIC.
- #godalego, the 'A'

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog! know what ya mean about crying yourself to sleep, felt the same way! On to Kansas. #DaleYeah!
