Wednesday, February 26, 2014

TheDaleGuys DAYTONA 500 Recap - Chapter 1: Friday-Saturday

Well it was a hell of a weekend for TheDaleGuys, that's for sure. I think I'm still in shock and can't believe what a time we had. After we learned early last week we'd get to do the 488hangout with Dale and Jimmie, we adopted a slogan for the weekend.... Everything's coming up Dale Guys. Well, safe to say it didn't seem like the case early on.

As everyone across the east coast found out, the weather totally blew Friday. Tornado warnings, fog, downpours, etc. It was like a shitstorm of bad weather. Nevertheless, the 'D' and myself packed out Diet Dews, Jorts, and @thedaleguys T-shirts and shipped out for a 7 PM flight to Jacksonville. (We picked a hotel months ago in the same parking lot as Whiskey River JAX, but of course they shut that place down, c'mon Dale!!)
Well of course, Delta decides to give us a swift kick in the nuts and cancel our flight, and there is NOTHING available til Noon Saturday. You know what though... we're still going to the Great American Race, the Daytona 500 Sunday. And what do TheDaleGuys do when the going gets tough?? Play the NASCAR drinking game of course. We kicked back, watched bitchass Kyle beat up on the shitty truck drivers, and got ourselves hammered. 

Not as exciting a Saturday morning as I would've imagined just a day earlier, but I still popped on the jorts and we were headed for Tona.
Plane landed at 3 PM with our boy Regan Smith in first and several plane beers and tiny liquor bottles consumed, and it really started to feel like things were coming up Dale Guys again. You know why? Because they were. Always wanted to use my trusty #Letartekoozie mid-flight and finally got the shot.
We finally made it to the track post race, and unfortunately missed the JR Motorsports party in victory lane. Ain't nobody around, but you know what... Let's make the best of it and chill by the track. Of course, the Dale Guys hit their favorite chain restaurant for Mucho Margs, Club Bees (aka Bee bar aka Applebees for those rookies out there.)
Since we missed the pre-race and using our pit passes, we didn't catch the invite to the Bash at the Beach, which was disappointing. Instead, we took in the UFC fights and crushed Buds & fireball to get prepped for what would end up being the biggest day of our lives. Sunday February 23, everything really did come up Dale Guys.

Part 2: Sunday (6:30AM-Rain Delay) coming up TOMORROW. Trust me, it gets MUCH better.

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